What do you remember about your first movie-going experience?

Q: What do you remember about your first movie-going experience?

A: I don’t remember my first movie-going experience, because I have older siblings and I was taken to the movies with them from a very young age. I actually have no idea what my first movie was.. BUT, I do remember going to see the very first Star Wars movie.

My older sister is 11 years older than me, so she was often put in charge of babysitting me. But since she was a teenager, she wanted to go on dates, so I often had to go on dates with her.

When we went to see Star Wars, my sister, her date, and I all went to the theater. It was an extremely popular movie, so we had to wait in line for several hours. I remember that the line to get in wrapped completely around the building and into the parking lot! I also remember that the sun was beating down on us while we stood in line, but it was still May (in the Pacific Northwest), so it was a little chilly. I wanted to take my coat off, but my sister kept yelling at me to put it back on. As for the movie itself? I don’t remember it at all, lol. But I was only 4, so I guess it’s to be expected!

Q: 初めて行った映画の思い出は?

A: 初めて行った映画は覚えてないわね。私は上に兄弟がいて、すごく小さい時から一緒に映画に連れていかれていたから。何が最初の映画だったかわからないわ。でも、初めてスターウォーズの映画を見た時のことは覚えているわよ。


私がスターウォーズを見たときは、姉と姉のデート相手と私、みんなで映画館に行ったわ。すごく人気があったから、数時間並ばなければならなかったの。並び列は映画館の周りを一周して駐車場にまで伸びていたのを覚えているわ!並んでいる間、太陽が照りつけていたけど、まだ5月だったから(太平洋北西部で)、少し寒かったのを覚えている。私は帽子を脱ぎたかったのだけど、姉が私にかぶりなさいと叫び続けてたわね。映画について? 全然覚えてないわ(笑)たった4歳だもの、当たり前よね!


