At the gym, I like to lift weights.
I had gotten up to 40kg on my bench press before the gym closed, due to the quarantine.
Now, I will have to start over.
I’m working on setting up a small area at home so I can work out.
Today, my workout consisted of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and planking.
以下の( )部分を入れ替えて英文を考えてみましょう!
( )の数は増えても減ってもかまいません。
At the gym, I like to ( ).
I had gotten up to ( )kg on my ( ) before the gym closed, due to the quarantine.
Now, I will have to ( ).
I’m working on ( )( ) at home so I can ( ).
Today, my workout consisted of( ),( ), and( ).