A lot of people go to their hometowns and get together with their families for Thanksgiving. What is this year’s trend?

Q: A lot of people go to their hometowns and get together with their families for Thanksgiving. What is this year’s trend?

A: The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) asked people to avoid traveling for Thanksgiving, but it seems many people are ignoring this warning. Our local news reported from the airport yesterday and showed that the terminal was almost as busy as a typical Thanksgiving week.

In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated in October. The number of Covid cases around the country shot up significantly in the weeks following their Thanksgiving, so experts are pointing to those numbers and strongly urging people to stay home. Unfortunately, many people do not care about others, and will be celebrating Thanksgiving as usual.


Q: 感謝祭には家族が故郷に帰って集まりますが、今年の傾向は?

A:  CDC(米国疾病予防管理センター)は感謝祭のための移動を控えるようにお願いしていたけれど、たくさんの人がこの警告を無視しているわ。私の地元のニュースは、昨日空港からレポートしていて、ターミナルの混雑は例年の感謝祭ウィークと同じぐらいだと言っていたわね。



