Are there any good ways to memorize words?

Q: I am struggling to increase my vocabulary. I can’t remember English words. Are there any good ways to memorize words?

A: The best way to set new vocabulary in your head is to use it immediately. You can spend a month reading vocabulary lists, but if all you do is read, you’ll never remember any of it!


It’s best to speak with new words, but if you don’t have a conversation partner, you should try writing sentences using your new vocabulary. The more often you use the new words, the better you will remember them.


Q: 語彙を増やすのに苦労しています。英単語が覚えられません。単語を覚えるのにいい方法はありますか?

A: 新しい語彙を定着させるのに一番いい方法はすぐに使うことよ。1ヶ月かけて語彙リストを読むのもいいけど、読むだけでは一つも覚えられないわ!



