Are there any differences in health awareness between states or areas in the US?

Q: Are there any differences in health awareness between states or areas in the US?

A: I assume this question is referring to health conscious lifestyles. This is not a state by state difference, but a city vs town or rural area difference. People who live in cities have access to better education, are typically financially better off, and have easier access to things like public walking trails, bike rentals and neighborhood gyms.
People in rural areas are far less likely to have access to these things. In most countries, the wealthier the population is, the better their access to healthier choices. For example, organic food is typically 3 to 4 times more expensive than traditionally grown food. If a person lives in a small town or a rural area, they may not even have access to organic food, because there would be fewer groceries in their area.


Q: 健康に関する意識は州や地域によって差があるの?

A: この質問は、健康を意識したライフスタイルのことだと思うのだけど、州による差ではなくて、都市と町や田舎で差があるわ。都市に住む、特に経済的に裕福な人たちは、よりよい教育にアクセスできるし、公共のウォーキングコースや自転車のレンタル、地域の運動ジムのようなものが簡単に利用できる。


