Are there any places you often go on the weekends?

Q: Are there any places you often go on the weekends?

A: Not really. I do go to certain types of events on the weekends, but they aren’t usually in the same place.
I like to go to art shows, but galleries in my city are quite expensive, so artists get very creative about where they hold their shows! I’ve been to art shows inside abandoned warehouse spaces, in an old grocery store, and even inside a bar!

There’s also a recycle shop of sorts that I like to go to. This charity collects unwanted art supplies, and re-sells them at a substantial discount. It’s a nice way to be able to try different brands of paint, or paint mediums, without having to buy a full prices bottle.


Q:  週末によく行くところはある?

A: あまりないわね。週末に行くイベントはあるけど、いつも同じ場所というわけではないの。アート展示に行くのが好きなんだけど、私の街のギャラリーはとても高いから、アーティストは、展示の会場を工夫しているわ!もう廃墟となった倉庫の中や、古い食料品店、バーの中の展示に行ったことがあるわよ。




