Are there any set phrases to interrupt someone in a polite way?

Q: Are there any set phrases to interrupt someone in a polite way?

A: There’s just no set phrase or way to interrupt that is universally accepted. It 100% depends on the situation, who is talking, the relationship of the speakers, etc.

If I am talking with my friends, and one of them is just going on and on and on and not letting anyone else speak, I’d probably just say “Dude, take a breath!” which is a joking way of pointing out that they are monopolizing the conversation (which is also considered rude).

If your friends are chatting and the boss has sent you to get one of them, it’s natural for people to look up when someone else joins them. At that time, you would just say “Hey, the boss needs you now”. If for some reason the speaking friend did NOT look up when you came to get them, it would be OK to just call their name (Bob, the boss wants you at your desk!), as obviously their work is more important than their breakroom chat.


Q: 人の会話を遮る時の上手な言い方はある?

A: 人に会話を遮るときに広く一般的に使われるフレーズや言い方はないわね。100%状況によるの。誰が話すのか、話している人たちの関係性とかなどね。




