Are there any teachers you admired when you were a student?

Q: Are there any teachers you looked up to when you were a student?

A: In high school, we had a student teacher for just one term. He was really an excellent math teacher! He
would explain new math concepts thoroughly, and if someone did not understand, he would come up with a different way to explain, until every single person in class got it! Because he was a student teacher, he was with us for a brief time. But I hope he went on to have an amazing career!


Q: 学生時代に尊敬していた先生はいる?

A: 高校の時、1学期だけ来ていた教育実習の先生がいたの。彼は本当に優れた数学の先生だったわ!彼は新しい数学の概念を徹底的に教えてくれて、理解できてない人がいたら、クラスが一人残らず理解できるまで、違う説明方法を思いつくの!彼は教育実習生だったら、短い期間しか私たちのクラスにいなかったけど、すばらしい仕事を積み上げていると願うわ。


