Are winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding or ice skating popular in Seattle?

Q: Are winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding or ice skating popular in Seattle?

A: Yes. There are several ski resorts not far outside of town, and a lot of people spend the weekends skiing and snowboarding. Tubing is also very popular, and some of the ski resorts have created special “lifts” for the tubers. This is very popular for children in particular, because it doesn’t take any skill – you just sit in the tube and slide down the hill!

Many people like to go hiking during the winter as well, though I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s quite dangerous, and every year we hear news stories of people who got lost in the snow, or caught in an avalanche. It’s not very smart, but many people do it anyway.

I don’t think ice skating is popular, and actually don’t know of a single ice rink nearby. I know that in cities in the south sound, there are training facilities for Olympic speed skaters, but not regular ice skating.


Q: シアトルでは、スキー、スノーボード、アイススケートなどウィンタースポーツは盛んですか?

A: 盛んね。街からそれほど遠くないところにスキー場が数カ所あって、たくさんの人が週末にスキーやスノーボードを楽しんでいるわ。スノーチュービングもすごく人気で、スノーチューバー用の特別なリフトを作ったスキー場もあるのよ。技術がいらないから、特に子供たちにとても人気なの。ただチューブの中に座ってゲレンデを滑り降りるだけ!




