My favorite food to make at home is Chinese food.
【お手本5文】 My favorite food to make at home is Chinese food. Mostly I make stir fry dinners, like beef broccoli. …
Recently, I’ve been spending too much time watching shows on Netflix.
【お手本5文】 Recently, I’ve been spending too much time watching shows on Netflix. It’s so convenient t …
One of my hobbies is playing tabletop RPGs with my friends.
【お手本5文】 What are your hobbies? One of my hobbies is playing tabletop RPGs with my friends. RPG stands for role …
My cat doesn’t like people or loud noises.
【お手本5文】 My cat doesn’t like people or loud noises. He doesn’t go outside. Sometimes he likes to go …
I like to have wine with dinner.
【お手本5文】 I like to have wine with dinner. Red wine is my favorite, especially Spanish reds! I don’t reall …
Self-care also makes you easier to get along with!
【お手本5文】 Self-care also makes you easier to get along with! Stressed out people get snappish with each other. T …
Thai food is my favorite!
【お手本5文】 Thai food is my favorite! I love spicy foods. Indian is probably my second-favorite food. I also like …
I like being able to spend more time at the gym.
【お手本5文】 If it is really hot, I go to the gym so I can run on the treadmill. It’s much easier to run on a …
I am studying psychology.
【お手本5文】 I am studying psychology. I’ve learned a lot about stress management and self-care. I think more …
I sometimes make sushi rolls at home.
【お手本5文】 I sometimes make sushi rolls at home. I can make negitoro, and my favorite American-style sushi, the P …