Golden Week is a special time in Japan with many holidays.
【お手本5文】 Golden Week is a special time in Japan with many holidays together. It starts on April 27th and ends o …
I try to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
【お手本5文】 Sometimes I love a book so much I can’t stop reading! Then I stay up late. I don’t sleep e …
On April Fool’s Day, people play jokes and pranks.
【お手本5文】 On April Fool’s Day, people play jokes and pranks. They share laughs with friends and family. So …
Today, I helped patients at the hospital as a nurse.
【お手本5文】 Today, I helped patients at the hospital as a nurse. I gave medicine and checked how patients were doi …
Equinox Day in Japan marks the transition between seasons.
【お手本5文】 Equinox Day in Japan marks the transition between seasons. It happens twice a year, in March and Septe …
Everyone in Japan is so excited for the cherry blossoms!
【お手本5文】 Everyone in Japan is so excited for the cherry blossoms! We’ve all been checking the forecasts d …
Hinamatsuri is a special day in Japan.
【お手本5文】 Hinamatsuri is a special day in Japan. It celebrates girls and wishes them happiness. Families display …
I went running the other night.
【お手本5文】 I went running the other night. I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. I scratched my knees and the heel …
I started working out again.
【お手本5文】 I started working out again after having COVID in 2020. It took me almost a year to recover from the f …
I did discover that I still like her older songs.
【お手本5文】 Last week, my favorite artist had her first concert in a long time. My friends asked if I wanted to go …