I will start thawing out a big turkey to cook for Christmas on Thursday.
【お手本5文】 I will start thawing out a big turkey to cook for Christmas. In addition to the foods we eat for Thank …
I spent a lot of time studying and practicing music in college.
【お手本5文】 I spent a lot of time studying and practicing music in college. One of my majors was music performance …
There is not a lot of money for the arts in schools, but there is always money for sports.
【お手本5文】 There is not a lot of money for the arts in schools, but there is always money for sports. It’s …
I wish everyone had the chance to work from home.
【お手本5文】 I wish everyone had the chance to work from home. It would take a lot of stress off of people. It woul …
That kind of information is completely private in the US and Europe.
【お手本5文】 One thing I found strange in Japan versus in America, is that companies can access your health data. T …
One of the best places I’ve been is Germany.
【お手本5文】 One of the best places I’ve been to is Germany. I really enjoyed the atmosphere there. Germans h …
I have visited 29 countries with my friends or by myself.
【お手本5文】 I have visited 29 countries with my friends or by myself. I keep little flag charms on a keyring to re …
Next year, I plan to take a short trip to London.
【お手本5文】 Next year, I plan to take a short trip to London. I’ll be there for about one week. Unfortunatel …
I belong to a special Star Wars costume group.
【お手本5文】 I belong to a special Star Wars costume group, called the 501st. We dress up for a lot of events and d …
Halloween is coming soon!
【お手本5文】 Halloween is coming soon! I’m excited, even though I don’t have any plans to do anything s …