Could you tell me how different “envy” and “jealous”?

Q: Could you tell me how different “envy” and “jealous”?
What is the difference between “I envy you.” and “I’m jealous of you.” in nuance?

A: There’s really no difference in the two, though the word “envy” is one of Catholicism’s “Seven Deadly Sins”, so in the past it may have been considered more harsh.

Some people say “I’m jealous” is used more often than “I envy you” in daily conversation because “envy” sounds more formal. I think it’s fair to say that “envy” feels more formal than “jealous”, but not to such an extent that a friend would think it was weird if you used it with them. I think some people, especially those who work in education or publishing, tend to use vocabulary that others think of as formal, just because they are reading and writing important documents all day long.

One thing that I just thought of as I was answering your question is that we never use “envy” when we are talking about relationships. So for example, we might say something like “Bill is jealous of Maggie’s new boyfriend” or “Sue likes Mark, so she got really jealous when she heard he had asked Monique on a date”.

There’s no real reason I can think of for this difference in use!


Q: envy とjealous の違いを教えて。
“I envy you.”と “I’m jealous of you.”のニュアンスの違いは?

envy はカトリックの7つの大罪の一つになっていているから、かつてはもっと激しいものと考えられていたかもしれないけど、この2つにあまり違いはないわ。

envy の方が硬く聞こえるので、日常会話では”I envy you”より”I’m jealous” jealous の方がよく使うという人がいるわ。まあ私もjealousよりもenvyの方が硬く感じると言って差し支えないと思うけど、それを使ったとき、友達が奇妙に思うほどではないわ。思うに、中には、特に教育や出版業界で働く人は、硬い語彙を使う傾向にあると思うの。なぜなら、日なが1日、重要な文書を読んだり、書いたりしているからね。




