Do you like musical movies?

Q: Do you like musical movies? If yes, what are your favorites? What would you recommend?

A: I do! Many children’s movies are made with music incorporated into the storyline. I’m not sure why so few movies are made for adults with music.

I once heard a man say that “No one just bursts into song in real life, so it’s stupid to do so in movies!” but I don’t think this is true. I often sing – while I am doing housework, when something someone said reminds me of song lyrics.

I’m not sure how famous my favorites are, but I really enjoy Brigadoon (Cyd Charisse and Gene Kelly). I love the songs, costumes and dancing in this one.

Another favorite is Fiddler on the Roof (Chaim Topol, Norma Crane). I think that this story is an important “snapshot” in history, and it has great songs! There is one song from this musical called “Sunrise, sunset” which, despite being quite melancholy, has become popular for weddings.

Q: ミュージカル映画は好きですか?一番好きな作品やおすすめは?

A: 好きよ!たくさんの子供向け映画がお話に音楽を入れ込んで作られているわね。大人向けの映画にあまり音楽が組み込まれている理由はよくわからないわ。





