How are people in the US reacting to the spread of the coronavirus?

Q: How are people in the US reacting to the spread of the coronavirus?

A: It depends on the person. Some people are not reacting more than they would to a strong flu outbreak, because they understand the scientific information that tells us that this virus is no more dangerous than the common flu. Some people are overreacting and actually causing supply chain issues with their behavior.

Unfortunately, many people all around the world are falling prey to both scams and rumors. If you hear something like “Toilet paper won’t be made anymore!” or “Soy milk will prevent corona!”, please use common sense and do research. Don’t go out and spend a lot of money on a product that claims to prevent the virus. There is NO product that will prevent it. Save your money, wash your hands, don’t touch your face. You’ll be OK.


Q: 米国の人たちのコロナウイルス感染拡大に対する反応は?

A: 人によるわ。ある人はインフルエンザの大流行に対応する感じよ。 この人たちはこれが普通のインフルエンザ程度のウイルスであるという科学的な情報を理解しているからね。ある人は過剰反応で行動して物資の供給の問題を引き起こしている。



