Is there any food you liked in the past, but now you don’t?

Q: Is there any food you liked in the past, but now you don’t?

A: There are some things I liked as a child that I cannot stand now. When I was small, I liked orange soda very much. But it’s just disgustingly sweet. I can’t imagine trying to drink it now. I might throw up from all the sugar! I also liked something called “creamed corn” when I was little. It was a canned product that my mother often bought. I might be willing to eat it now if someone made it fresh, in the Native American style, but I would definitely not eat the canned stuff again!


Q: かつて好きだったけど、今は嫌いなものはある?

A: 子供の頃は好きだったけど、今は無理なものもあるわ。小さいとき、オレンジソーダがすごく好きだったけど、それは気持ち悪いくらい甘いのね。今では飲もうとすることが想像できないわ。砂糖で吐くかもしれない!あと小さいとき好きだったのは「クリームコーン」というものよ。母親がよく買っていた缶詰のものね。生から作るネイティブアメリカンスタイルのものだったら食べるかもしれないけど、缶詰のものは二度と食べないわ!



