What do schools, teachers or school districts do to stop students bullying?

Q: What do schools, teachers or school districts do to stop students bullying?

A: As with everything, what the policy is regarding bullying varies by area. Some districts have a “zero tolerance” policy, which means anyone engaged in bullying is immediately suspended from school. The problem with this policy is that everyone involved is suspended – even the victim. Some other schools try to offer a sort of mediation for students, to find out why one student is bullying others. There are many different kinds of policies, but none of them are very effective. The source of bullying lies with the parents, so unless parents work on the issue with their child, it’s difficult to get them to stop bullying. 



A: やっぱりこれも他のことと同様、いじめに関する方針も地域によって様々ね。ある地域はゼロ・トレランス(容赦しない対応)の方針をとるところもあるわね。そこでは、いじめに関わった人は全て休学になるの。この方針の問題点は、被害者をも含めて関わった人全員が休学ということなの。生徒たちの仲裁に入ろうとする学校もあるわ。なぜその生徒が他の生徒をいじめるのかをつきとめるためにね。いろいろな方針があるけど、どれも効果がないわ。いじめの根源は親にあるから、親がその子の問題に取り組まない限り、いじめをやめさせるのは難しいわ。


