What is the largest you have bought online?

Q:  What is the largest you have bought online?

A: I don’t have a car, so I tend to order things that are big and heavy, that I cannot easily carry on the bus. I also order most of my groceries online. The biggest thing I have ordered online is probably an armchair. When it arrived, it was pouring outside, and the box had completely ripped apart from the rain. I tried to get the package into my apartment by myself, but the box kept ripping every time I grabbed it, lol. For a while, the chair was wedged in the doorway, and I couldn’t get it in or out! Eventually (after about 1 hour), I got it in and was able to close the door.


A:  ネットで買った最も大きな買い物は何?

Q: 私は車を持ってないから、バスで運べない、大きなものを買う傾向にあるわね。あと、たいていの食料品もネットで買うわ。私が買った一番大きなものはたぶんアームチェアね。それが来たとき、土砂降りで、雨で箱がぼろぼろになっていたの。自分で荷物をアパートに入れようとしたんだけど、箱を持つ度に、箱が破れた(笑) しばらくして、椅子が


