What kind of volunteer work have you done? 

Q: What kind of volunteer work have you done? 

A: I’ve done many different kinds in the past. Since I like to run, I often volunteer at races. Many of the races that take place in my city are benefits for charities, so we can help our local running community and help a charity at the same time!

Usually when you volunteer for a race, you do not get to choose the job you will do, so I have done everything from handing out water, directing runners on the course, and handing out t-shirts, to working with the local police to keep drivers off of portions of the roadway closed for the race.

In the past I often volunteered at my son’s school. I have painted buildings, painted murals, put together portfolios for children’s art, taught computer skills, planted gardens, and even helped build a playground.

These days, most high schools require a minimum number of volunteer hours from each student before graduation. Students can volunteer for any organization they want, but they must have around 40 hours of volunteer time (sometimes more, sometimes less) before they can graduate.


Q: ボランティア活動はするの?

A: いろんな種類のボランティアをやったことがあるわ。私は走るのが好きだから、大会ボランティアをよくするの。私の街で開催される大会の多くがチャリティーなので、自分たちの地元のランニングコミュニティーを支援すると同時に慈善活動のお手伝いができるの!





