Q: When you were at school, which subject were you good at?
Which subject were you bad at? What was your favorite subject?
What was your least favorite subject?
A: In elementary school, junior high, and high school,I didn’t have trouble in any classes except math.I don’t like math, and I have never been very good at it.I can do basic algebra, and very basic geometry calculations, but anything beyond that it out!
I probably got the highest scores in English and Literature classes.I always enjoyed learning about mythology, though we didn’t study it often.My favorite classes were always art classes.In high school, I took wire jewelry making, air brush, silk screening, lost wax casting, and more.
Q: 学生時代の得意科目、不得意科目、好きな科目、好きじゃなかった科目は何?
A: 小学校、中学校、高校で、数学以外の科目では苦労しなかったわ。数学は好きじゃないの。よくできたことはなかったわね。基本的な代数と幾何学計算はできるけど、それ以上はからきしダメ!