You might want to practice something called “mindfulness.”


When you are stressed, you might want to practice something called “mindfulness.”
Mindfulness means being more aware of the present moment, not thinking about the past or future too much.
It means being more aware of your emotions and the things that cause them.
If you can remember the exact things that make you feel happy, you can try to be happy more often.
It’s also ok to be sad or angry, too, as long as you are aware of why.



以下の(       )部分を入れ替えて英文を考えてみましょう!
(     )の数は増えても減ってもかまいません。

When you are (       ), you might want to practice something called “(       ).”
Mindfulness means being more aware of the (       ), not thinking about (       )or (       ) too much.
It means being more aware of your (     ) and the things that cause them.
If you can remember the exact things that make you feel(      ), you can try to be happy more often.
It’s also ok to be (     ) or(      ), too, as long as you are aware of (     ).


