Do many Americans take supplements?

Q: Do many Americans take supplements?

A: Americans tend to take supplements to deal with issues they already have (or have had), rather than for prevention. For example, a person who suffers from heart disease might take supplements that are supposed to strengthen the heart, or lower cholesterol. A person who has macular degeneration may take an eye health supplement to try to keep it from getting worse.

Some of the most common supplements are for joint issues. Many people develop trouble with their knees and backs as they age, and there are some natural products that work to help relieve inflammation, which are very popular.


Q: サプリメントを飲むアメリカ人は多いですか?

A: アメリカ人は、予防というより既にある(あった)問題に対処するためにサプリメントを飲む傾向にあるわ。例えば、心臓疾患のある人が心臓を強くしたりコレステロールを下げるというサプリメントを飲んだり、加齢黄斑変性の人が悪化を防ぐために目の健康にいいサプリメントを飲むかもしれないわね。



