Do you have to pay when you call an ambulance in the US?

Q: Do you have to pay when you call an ambulance in the States?

A: Yes, of course. What you pay depends on where you live, the type of insurance you have, how far the ambulance travels, whether the closest hospital or the ambulance company are considered “in network” for your insurance company, etc. There are lots of variables, including the reason you need to go to the hospital! For example, if you are hurt at work, your employer will get the bill instead of you.

Generally, Americans try to avoid going in an ambulance if they can, because we know it costs too much. Many people will refuse to go in the ambulance after a car accident if they think they can drive themselves, and I know some people who have taken an Uber instead of an ambulance.

Q: 米国では救急車を呼んだらお金を払わなくてはいけないの?

A: もちろん払わなくてはいけないわ。何について払うかは、住んでいるところ、加入保険の種類、救急車の走行距離、最寄りの病院や救急車の会社が保険会社のネットワークに参加しているかどうか等によるの。病院に行く必要性も含めてたくさんの要素があるの!もちろん、職場で怪我をしたら、雇用者があなたの代わりに費用を払うわ。



