I’ve been studying psychology for my Master’s degree.


I’ve been studying psychology for my Master’s degree.
In one of my classes, I did a research study on prisoners who play RPGs.
It turned out that the games were very important in teaching empathy and understanding.
They were also good for people in rehab for addictions, too.
Also, some teachers use RPG-like games for their students to help them learn about different topics, and to encourage good behavior.



以下の(       )部分を入れ替えて英文を考えてみましょう!
(     )の数は増えても減ってもかまいません。

I’ve been studying (     ) for my Master’s degree.
In one of my classes, I did a research study on prisoners who play (     ).
It turned out that the (     )were very important in teaching (     ).
They were also good for people in rehab for (     ), too.
Also, some teachers use (     ) for their students to help them learn about (     ), and to encourage good (     )


