When did you start running? How often do you go out for a run? Do you participate in races?

Q: When did you start running? How often do you go out for a run? Do you participate in races?

A: I started running about 2 years ago. I am part of a very big running group that has over 100 members. We often sign up for the same running events. Some events offer a “team discount” for 5 or more people, so a group of us will go together and have a good time.

Our team’s biggest event each year is in September, and teammates will come to Washington from all over the country to participate. This year we’re going to camp together before the event, so it should be fun!

I used to go out to run several times a week, but last summer I had an injury that left me unable to walk for many months. I had a lot of testing, physical therapy, and many, many trips to the doctor. They finally discovered that my back was causing the leg problems and I need back surgery, but my insurance will not cover the cost, so I can’t have it. Because I am still having trouble with walking/running, I usually don’t go out more than once a week now. It depends on how my leg is feeling, really!


Q: いつ走り始めたの? どのくらいの頻度で走るの? レースには参加する?

A: 約2年前に走り始めたわ。100人以上メンバーのいるとても大きなランニンググループに属しているの。私たちはよく同じランニングイベントに参加するの。イベントの中には5人以上の”チーム割引”をするものもあるので私たちのグループが一緒に行って楽しむの。




