I belong to a special Star Wars costume group, called the 501st.
We dress up for a lot of events and do charity work while wearing costumes.
It’s a lot of fun and the money goes to a good cause!
This year we are doing a charity marathon for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
We have to run a marathon in costume!
私は501部隊 というスターウォーズの特別なコスチュームグループに所属している。
以下の( )部分を入れ替えて英文を考えてみましょう!
( )の数は増えても減ってもかまいません。
I belong to a special Star Wars costume group, called the 501st.
We dress up for a lot of events and do charity work while wearing costumes.
It’s a lot of fun and the money goes to a good cause!
This year we are doing a charity marathon for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
We have to run a marathon in costume!