I wish everyone had the chance to work from home.


I wish everyone had the chance to work from home.
It would take a lot of stress off of people.
It would also take a lot of stress off the public transportation system.
And, imagine all the things you could do with that time saved from not having to commute!
I sleep better now, and I also have more time for eating and doing my hobbies.



以下の(       )部分を入れ替えて英文を考えてみましょう!
(     )の数は増えても減ってもかまいません。

I wish everyone had the chance to work from home.
It would take a lot of stress off of people.
It would also take a lot of stress off the public transportation system.
And, imagine all the things you could do with that time saved from not having to commute!
I sleep better now, and I also have more time for eating and doing my hobbies.


